I'm very resourceful...
In the middle of a forest I solved the digital camera problem.
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I actually walked into the campground registration center and rented a high speed internet access for $4 and was able to download the camera drivers to the laptop. So here we are and I would like to update you all on some photos from the last few days..
Mom and boys posing with RV at Ledgeview Campground near Lake George(our first stop)
Michele whips up some grub in the RV as Jeff inhales his first helping.

We made a stop Friday July 29th in North River at Gore Mountain to see the Gore Mtn. Mine and prospect for Garnet.. a red stone. This stop was also the start of our Northward push along scenic rt 30 to Saranac Lake. Jeffrey and Billy look to be successful in finding the red gemstone.
Main Street, Lake Placid , NY. What a pretty town. I need to get up here and spend some time.. we may cheat a bit tomorrow when we leave the North Pole Campground and Santa's Workshop and get a room for the night. Walk Lake Placid and take it in... and take in some proper showers.
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I actually walked into the campground registration center and rented a high speed internet access for $4 and was able to download the camera drivers to the laptop. So here we are and I would like to update you all on some photos from the last few days..

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