Route 101 - Northern Cali... nicey-nice
We rode up Rt 101 through Northern California from Novato to Crescent City...then I stopped as I was tired and it was getting dark. What a prety ride ! You start driving through rolling hills and the scenery is a mix of golden fields of grass and lush green vineyards of grapes, then the vineyards yield to the mighty redwood forests and the striking coastline. The road occassionally lets you take a side road for more scenery and we took advantage . We drove through giamt redwoods (which are truly amazing..huge trees everywhere) and elk grazing in meadows, and Paul Bunyan and Babe the Blue Ox protecting the netrance to Mystery Trees ( )

Boys pose outside the Aquarium in Crescent City, CA
another thing I liked to mention is that as we drove through Orick, CA, the marquis on the downtown theatre said the playing attraction was Casablanca... there is something so right about that.
Ciao'! more to follow
We rode up Rt 101 through Northern California from Novato to Crescent City...then I stopped as I was tired and it was getting dark. What a prety ride ! You start driving through rolling hills and the scenery is a mix of golden fields of grass and lush green vineyards of grapes, then the vineyards yield to the mighty redwood forests and the striking coastline. The road occassionally lets you take a side road for more scenery and we took advantage . We drove through giamt redwoods (which are truly amazing..huge trees everywhere) and elk grazing in meadows, and Paul Bunyan and Babe the Blue Ox protecting the netrance to Mystery Trees ( )

another thing I liked to mention is that as we drove through Orick, CA, the marquis on the downtown theatre said the playing attraction was Casablanca... there is something so right about that.
Ciao'! more to follow
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