2006 Roadtrip Begins...Spot the Spice Bus!

Here it is folks... THE SPICE BUS !
We embarked on our trip July 31st 2006 and headed South first.
For all of you that spotted us on the road and emailed us or asked in the campgrounds for spice samples...please check our website in the next few days. I plan on putting up a special for those of you that spotted the Spice Bus. I think I'll call the promotion...
"Spot the Bus and the Spice is On Us"
check in at http://www.SKgourmet.com and let us know where you spotted us, and any other info you care to share with us or questions you would like to ask about our fabulous spices & herbs.
Watch daily for new blogs... I'll add them as I have internet access along the road.
ALL the Best!
Jeff W.
aka- Wally
aka- Walkin' Wally
aka- Road Gourmet
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