Billy.. The Good Ole Boy....
We went to see the first Saturday night Grand Ole Opry show and it was lots of fun. Billy had his cowboy hat on again and was stompin' and hootin' -n- hollarin' all throught he show. I'm not kidding! This kid gave a YEeeeHA! about 200 times. All the hoots were well deserved, and I suggest this to anyone in Nashville.. it is good clean family fun, and you get to see up and coming country music performers as well as long standing stars. The show is run live on radio and goes for about 3 hours. The outside plaza is a party scene also with a music stage, drink/food stands, souveniers. Here are some photos of the Grand Ole Opry. It was the second to last thing we did before retiring for the evening.. after the show we did 2 rounds of Go-cart racing and that was HUGE FUN!

Oh yeah, there was a huge BBQ Cook-off just next to the Opry, I estimate at least 150 participants. Some had big rigs all decked out for smoking and others had more modest setups. I thought we might try some BBQ again for dinner, but Jeffrey cried foul and proclamed he could not possibly eat BBQ again tonight...and so we headed to Jillians, and extremely cookie cutter mall type restaurant with large recreation areas(pool room, bowling, arcade). Cruisin' Cuisine gives Jillians a thumbs down. Obviously we have not been preparing as many meals as I thought we might, but that is the reality of wanting to see the sights and also the reality of relatively small food storage and cooking space in an RV... plus it's fun to find local eateries along the way. I will include a piece soon that contains some tips or tricks to help in dealing with the small food storage/prep space with this rented RV.
Heading for Memphis tomorrow... I guess it's sort of a pilgrimage for Michele.... she always wanted see Graceland.

Oh yeah, there was a huge BBQ Cook-off just next to the Opry, I estimate at least 150 participants. Some had big rigs all decked out for smoking and others had more modest setups. I thought we might try some BBQ again for dinner, but Jeffrey cried foul and proclamed he could not possibly eat BBQ again tonight...and so we headed to Jillians, and extremely cookie cutter mall type restaurant with large recreation areas(pool room, bowling, arcade). Cruisin' Cuisine gives Jillians a thumbs down. Obviously we have not been preparing as many meals as I thought we might, but that is the reality of wanting to see the sights and also the reality of relatively small food storage and cooking space in an RV... plus it's fun to find local eateries along the way. I will include a piece soon that contains some tips or tricks to help in dealing with the small food storage/prep space with this rented RV.
Heading for Memphis tomorrow... I guess it's sort of a pilgrimage for Michele.... she always wanted see Graceland.
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